Attention: If you are on the randomizer page for the game jam, Godot projects seem to have issues with playing from there. If it says it has a sharedBufferArray issue please go to the itch page directly.

This is my first game on Godot. I don't think it's really good, but I'm proud of what I managed to do!


This game was made for the Pirate Software Game Jam 2024 (Shadows and Alchemy)

Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
Made withGodot
Tagsalchemy, Pixel Art, Shadows


Game Design Document
Game Design Document (I’m not sure the other works)


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what an adorable short game! I loved that each area had its own music! (i found the thing xD) i think you did very well for your first game in godot! 


I did it, I found master.


hahaha classic godot


- the title screen was kinda weird for me: maybe it would look better in Fullscreen mode ( settings have an option for that)

- sometimes the ground graphics didn't continue all the way down (maybe you tested in a smaller window)

- I liked the different music bits for the different areas

Well done on submitting a playable prototype and thanks for the randomizer page hint!


1. The issue is that the menu doesn’t scale correctly… I don’t know how to fix that though.

2. I probably did, thanks for noticing that issue!

3. Much appreciated! I think that’s my biggest strength in this game haha

Thanks for taking the time to play and comment!


Cute little alien <3


Attention: If you are on the randomizer page for the game jam, Godot projects seem to have issues with playing from there. If it says it has a sharedBufferArray issue please go to the itch page directly. For the author I recommend putting a notice of this in the description.

So far that hasn't happened to me, but thanks for the warning


Really good! I love the abstract background designs and the multiple level types available.

Ngl the backgrounds were placeholders, but I’m glad you liked them! (And the level types)


Well done, for a first game, I'm proud of what you did! Keep it up!

more animation frames to help the little guy look smoother
Longer, maybe some small mechanics
Focus a bit on the alchemy and shadow themes, play with lighting!

Good music!

yeah, I was sort of crunched on animations and wasn’t able to work on them a lot. Definitely I need to experience so I can make better animations faster.

I also really wish I could’ve added more. Maybe I will post-PJam…

I’m still unsure how to do lighting… I’ll figure it out this the future though. ^^

Thanks for all the comments <3


Easter [Egg]


Glad you found it :)